
Data uploaded to the National Zoning Atlas can be found in the “ZoningAtlas” folder as follows:

Join the Effort

This effort is a collection of teams which includes volunteers, interns, and students getting course credit. Please reach out in Discussions to see if you can join the effort! Take a look at at the Contribute page to understand how to submit changes once you have made yourself familiar with this data

Field Abbreviation

JXTN = Jurisdiction ABB_DIST_NAME = abbreviated district name DIST_NAME = full district name OVER = Overlay district (yes/no) EXT_DST = extinct district (yes/no), extinct meaning that it exists in the map but not the bylaws DST_MAP = district mapped (yes/no) DST_TYPE = Primarily residential, Mixed (residential with some non residential uses), Nonresidential, and Overlay not affecting use AFF_DST = affordable housing district ELD_DST = elderly housing district F1FDP = Single family allowance (allowed/conditional, public hearing or prohibited {Overlay value for overlay districts}) ADUDP = Same as above but for accessor dwelling units AFFDP = same as above but for affordable housing units RDDP = same as above but for planned residential developments CNXN_H2O = connection required to public sewer/water CNXN_TRANSIT = connection required to public transit PRD_MHP = mobile home parks allowed (yes/no) F1F_FSET = front set back requirement F1F_SSET = side set back requirement F1F_RSET = rear setback requirement F1F_MIN_LOT = min lot size in acres